Back home with DIAL-UP???
Hey peeps. It's been a while, huh? Well, while we were in Arkansas, Dad's laptop kind of crashed, so I couldn't work, and then when we came back we had no internet, and then I went to Florida. Now I'm back and we got dial-up. For the time being. Greeeeat. It's wicked slow, and you can barely do anything BECAUSE it's too slow. You get on at 1:05, wait 10 minutes to get to your e-mail site, you read one e-mail, Mom needs the phone, you have to get off. That's what happens. I was on my computer, with diap-up, this morning, for an entire HOUR, and I got absolutely no progress.
Anyway, about Florida... I will put some pictures on here as soon as I get them developed and put the picture disk on my computer. It was really fun. We went to the beach almost every day, and we got to stay up really late! We were right down the hill from a Haagen Dazs, which surprisingly took a lot of energy to get to because we're not used to hills. We have zero hills in Louisiana. Man... I saw the BEST movie ever: Redeye. It was the best movie I have seen in a while. It's about this woman who's trying to get home on a redeye flight, and she meets this strange guy on the plane who tells her if she doesn't call her hotel and move this guy to another room, he would kill her dad, who his people have been spying on for the last few days. It's really good and there's a lot of action in the end. But the guy's like a cockroach: he WON'T die, no matter what she does. Haha. I also saw The Corpse Bride, and I don't recommend seeing that. The highlight of that film was the preview of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which looks like it's gonna be AWESOME! November 18th, people. This is the first time I'm not seeing it with you guys in New Hampshire! It's weird, because that was like a tradition to see it together in theaters. Whatever. I'll see it 15 times anyway... We also saw Just Like Heaven, which was a pretty good movie, but it was kinda sad and sorta sappy. After that week, I had a notebook filled up with 13 movies that I wanted to see, due to all the previews.
Right now we're fine. Mom just wrote a letter to send in the the Granite State News (actually, I wrote a letter for Mom to send to the Granite State News) about donations to our schools. Our cupboard is, like, empty, because the stinking stores don't have any food. But, I mean, it's fine. And I just rented a TON of books from the library. I have discovered this awesome new series of books, so I'm reading pretty much ALL of those. I also got a biography of J.K. Rowling, whihc will be cool to read. We start school in a week, so hopefully things will get back to normal soon. The only bad thing about that is my FAVORITE teacher this year is leaving. She taught three of my classes. I swear, there is a curse on Language Arts teachers, man. Last year we had three different teachers for one class, and it was hectic. I have all these projects that were due days ago, and I can't do them because I left all my books in my locker. It was a normal Friday, August 26th, the day before my birthday, we weren't worrying about possible category 5 hurricanes hurtling our way, so I figured I'd be too busy that weekend to get any work done. Therefore, I can't do anything. Hopefully the teachers won't hold us accountable for anything liek that.
Well, Mom wants to use the phone, so I have to get off. Please e-mail us!
The Morrisons
Sounds like you had a lot of fun in Florida. It's nice to get you back online. Did the language thing on the blog site get fixed? Keep safe and good luck with your teachers when you go back to school. I'll talk to you later.
Love, Deedee
Hi Jacquelyn, Just read your latest addition to the blog. So you are back in school, hope everything is going well. . I will talk to you later. Love you and miss you all very much. Love Reeo
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