Sunday, November 13, 2005

Computer Restore

Well, we haven't been up to much lately. Dad restored the computer, so now it's working FAST, like Charter is supposed to work. But the only downside of that is that we don't have any of our pictures on here--they're all on disc. I'll try to get pictures of Jacin's birthday ASAP.

Guess what? My Archos gMini 402 Camcorder is coming tomorrow! I am so happy. It was SUPPOSED to come on Saturday, but nobody was here to sign for it, so they left us a depressing note saying they'd try again Monday after 5. So apparently I'm getting it Monday after 5.

If there is anybody out there who doesn't know (if you're reading this, you should know me, and if you know me... you SHOULD know this) that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is coming out on FRIDAY, well... I should tell you that Harry Potter and the goblet of Fire is coming out on Friday! We already have advance tickets, and I'm taking a few of my friends with me. It's gonna be fun.

And guess what else is coming up?? REEO'S BIRTHDAY! Nope, I did not forget in all the Harry Potter hoopla. Yes indeedy, Reeo is turning 56. I'm sure she will appreciate me for saying that. Because she is not really turning 56, I don't think. Maybe 57 (wink, wink).

I don't think there's any other breaking news I need to report. We're all alive (you think) and healthy, so there's not many important things going on.

I know you would have been more entertained by reading we got chased into a cave by a pack of wolves (and conveniently had a laptop with us) and are about to get eaten. You know, it would've added a lot more suspense to this otherwise uneventful update.

But, sadly, there is no cave... and no pack of wolves.

The Morrisons


Blogger Dani said...

Thanks for the update Jacquelyn, I'm glad to hear you are all well and not living in a cave with wolves nipping at your knees. Have fun at Harry Potter. For us...not only do we not have a midnight showing...we don't have a showing...PERIOD! Because we don't have a movie theater!!! Deep breath...OK...clam now...Enjoy the movie and everything else you have at your fingertips. Love ya, Deedee :-)

6:21:00 PM  
Blogger The 4 Jays said...

Wow, you guys don't even have a movie theater?! WOWZERS... I don't think I could handle that. When are you moving back to the US anyway?? I bet you can't wait till then.

8:51:00 AM  

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