Sunday, June 11, 2006

Final conclusion: Louisiana = hot, sweaty, sticky boredom

Baseball, baseball, baseball... what to do. Jacin's life is baseball. It has been going very well for The Rebels-they have won a few tournaments and had fun doing it. The season is almost over! Actually, that is where my whole family is right now, like on every other weekend. After yesterday, I wouldn't go if they paid me. But I'll tell you about that later.

Jacin, because of his arm, was not allowed to pitch for the rest of the season, so that's been pretty hard on him; pitching is his best strength. But he will be going to physical therapy for the next month, twice a week, to get back into his groove. Still, he has been playing a lot of first base and other positions. Yesterday he hit a HOME RUN!

So what do we, the family of the "stars" do while they're playing? We sit, in the grueling heat, and attempt to watch the game. I feel so bad for Jacin and his teammates, who have to wear those long uniforms and run around in that heat. I know Louisiana weather probably doesn't even compare to Nevis, but it was 103 degrees yesterday. We sat there for 6 hours with sweat literally dripping down our faces and legs, clothes completely drenched. Everyone had umbrellas to hide under. Believe me, I wouldn't have come if I wasn't promised a trip to the mall before (it was worth it, though). And what's worse: the mother of this 7-year-old girl, Catherine, asked me if I could take her to the park around the corner from the baseball field. I said sure, and there come five little kids, ages ranging from four to seven, begging me to bring them to the park. Don't get me wrong, I love playing with little kids (and plus I really could not wait to get into the shady park), but these ones all wanted a turn for a piggyback, and then they wanted me to run around while on my back. Keep in mind that it was 103 degrees. One of the girls wanted to go back to the field, but nobody else did, so they were all screaming, "4 against 1, we win! We get to stay!" So I had to take all the kids back, just so Annie could stay. Turns out, all she wanted was some ice to suck on. When we were halfway to the park again, Norris (he is the most adorable 4-year-old I've ever seen) cut his finger on a soda can and started bawling, so we had to bring him back and wait for him to get a Band-Aid, and later he got hurt again--Norris is one of those kids who just loves to thrash around and throw himself on the ground whenever possible. Then these really mean kids came to the park and started taking Steven's hat and not giving it back, taking basically anything of our's they could find. And then they spit in Norris's shoe, who then asked me if I could wipe it off for him. The kids that were with me wanted to wrestle the other kids, and that's where I had to draw the line because, let's face it, the mean people were huge! I had to hold all the shoes and hats so the "meanies" wouldn't steal them because "Jackie's a GROWN-UP, you have to listen to her!"

So I guess you could say I had a pretty eventful day. Mom and I did some serious shopping at the mall while the guys stayed in the car. Mom and Dad got this awesome $375 comforter for only $115! Now that's a bargain! And everything I bought was 50% off at my favorite stores. Plus, after the games we went to Zeas, our favorite restaurant. Jacin didn't come--he left with Spencer, a friend from the team.

The latest update from Mom today is that the game just started. It was supposed to start at 10:50, but the preceding game went late (10 innings), so it started now, at 12:45, almost two hours late. We won both games yesterday, so who knows what'll happen today!

So if you will excuse me, I have to go eat lunch, by myself, but I will be back to tell you all about more of the happenings in our lives.

The Morrisons