July 22- Minigolfing and tongues
After watching Regis and Kelly out on the porch, Mom went to pick up Jacin and Lucas from Luke's house. We all went to Lena's for lunch. Jacin and Lucas were VERY tired. Here's an example of how tired they were:
Haha. Anyway, we saw Munny, Linda, Marylin, and Great Grammy at Lena's (if I spelled their names wrong... forgive me, or tell me and I'll fix it). Then we went minigolfingright next to Lena's. I WON! Reeo bought us all Slushie's after, and we got a lady to take a picture of our tongues. She must've thought we were crazy, asking her to take photos of our tongues! But we did, and it was funny. The second picture is the "tongue picture."
Reeo and I went to see Julie at the office to discuss Molly's present issue. We then went home and watched home videos of Jacin, Lucas, and me up at Camp Iona, doing our little plays and such. Luke was the "singer" of our "band." As Reeo said, the people across the lake from us must've thought someone was being murdered or something of the sort, because Lucas was screeching really loud. It was very funny. Here's how the song went:
"Come on and join the buuuuuuus
Come on and join the bus with uuuuus
Come on and JOIN the BUS with uuuuuus."
Haha. And it went on and on... We're going to show his future girlfriend to embarrass him. That should be fun...
We left for dinner at The Old Salt. Actually, the part we stayed in wasn't called The Old Salt, it was called something else, but I forgot what it WAS called. Anyway, I got steamers. We went home and went in the pool. Then I watched two episodes of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody! That show rocks! But then, basically, we all retired to Reeo's room like usual...
As you can probably tell, I have now discovered the colored text! So I wanted to test it out. And I think it looks pretty cool, don't you??
Let's see... yesterday we did... nothing. Today we're doing... nothing. It's all good. I actually HAVE been working on my basketball more. We have this thing called 30-30. 30 minuter per day on saxophone, 30 minutes per day on basketball. On the saxophone, I have perfected the James Bond theme song, the Harry Potter theme song, and the Austin Powers theme song (which is the hardest of the three, in my opinion). Now I'm working on the other James Bond songs in my James Bond book, and I'm also trying to do this extremely fast classical thing. It's cool, but not my type of music to play with the saxophone. I like jazz and funk.
I haven't seen any movies since we've been back, but I am starting today to get back on my Friends track, trying to actually view EVERY episode in order (Friendly video has all the box sets). As for shows: SUMMERLAND has been cancelled, I still watch The Suite Life, which is on, by the way, at 7, 6central, tonight! Hint hint, wink wink. My mom has been watching the Food network and 20:20 a lot lately. There was one on last night about this autistic girl who couldn't talk, but she could play piano. It was really good, actually. Dad and Jacin still watch ESPN every. single. day. Oh well...
Reeo, I started reading The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio! It's a really good book so far. I just got past the part where they go on the shopping spree. Mom says she probably won't read it because Reeo read about half of it to her already... Anyway, she's reading a book that she's had on hold for A YEAR. It's called The Blue Bistro, by Elin Hinderbrand. It's about some resteraunt in Nantucket, supposedly. And Reeo, you better get crackin' on HBP!!!
Well, I gotta go. More later!
the Morrisons (or Morrison, considering there's actually only ONE Morrison doing this...)
Love your blog Jacquelyn, keep up the good work. Your pictures look great!
Hey Jacq,
YOu need to change the color of your text here because it is really hard to read. We need updates! Have a fun first day of school tomorrow!
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