July 20- plane, dinner, bed

Hello, we are back! And our plane did not crash once. After watching Cast Away, I was almost sure our plane would crash... but it didn't. So we are home and safe. And tired. But that's beside the point. Anyway...
July 20th, 2005
We woke up at 4 and arrived at the airport at around 6. We got ont he plane (United Airlines) to Chicago, and then to Boston. We found Mo, our driver. He was wicked nice, and he had a really noticable Northern accent. My mom uses the word reveire (reveiah) to explain it. But anyway, he took us to Reeo and Papa's house.
Great Grammy and Peter came over to visit. The above picture is of Uncle Peter, Me, and Great Grammy sitting on the couch in the pool room. Heather, Rob, and McCarthy came over for dinner; we had salad and canneloni (my mom said that's how you spell it, but if it's not right, blame it on HER). We all sat in the pool room and watched McCarthy swim. Peter and Grammy left. Mom, Reeo, Jacin, and I played Polish Poker. Jacin won.
Then we all basically just went to bed after the tiring day of being in the air.
More later.
The Morrisons
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